Nothing has impacted the quality of my life more than my meditation practice, and that is why I am so passionate about sharing it with others. With over 500 hours of teacher training as a davidji certified Advanced Meditation Teacher, I have been teaching meditation since 2015. I came to meditation because of a long struggle with anxiety and depression, and have found that it is the tool that I come back to again and again to help ground and connect me. It has been a gift in my life, and I look forward to sharing it with you.
Here are just a few of the benefits you will access from building a meditation practice:
lower your stress level
decrease fight or flight mode
improve sleep
decrease anxiety and worry
improve creative problem-solving & improve clarity
become less reactive and more responsive
lower blood pressure
take time for self-care
be more mindful overall
learn to “let go”
make better choices
improve your sense of well-being
As with everything, I believe when we ask the Universe, there will be an answer. And when the student asks, the teacher will appear. I am available to teach private and semi-private classes (2-4 people) to establish a practice of stillness and silence, or to take their practice even deeper with a personal mantra. I also am available for online classes. Check me out on ‘Insight Timer’ to access free meditations and feel free to contact me if you have questions.
“When you can quiet the fluctuations of your mind and drift into stillness & silence, you can finally hear the whispers of your heart… the whispers of god.”
- Davidji, Secrets of Meditation
Stillness in the storm
"I know I should learn to meditate, but I just don't think I could slow down enough to do it."
Is this you? What if meditation could be made simple and easy? What if you could be guided easily into a Meditation Practice, and come out the other side a much more relaxed and healthy individual, with a stress tool kit?
What you will receive:
Learn simple and accessible techniques from a variety of wisdom traditions
Learn about the science behind meditation, as well as experiencing first-hand the benefits of of a meditation practice
Be guided gently and easily to develop a daily meditation practice that can support your daily stresses
Experience first-hand greater calm and ease and develop a ‘life’ tool-kit
Receive a personal mantra to aid you in your practice
Everyone can learn to meditate! You will learn a variety of breath techniques and meditation practices, including the use of mantra. Establish a practice that will carry you the rest of your life.
Join this 4 session program to create a more Mindful you!
Location: Sarah’s Healing Studio, Orangeville, ON or Online through Zoom
Cost: Private sessions are $80/session
Semi-private sessions (2-3 people) are $35/session
Group sessions (4+ people) are $25/session
Contact me to set up your optimal class below. (Note: If you and several of your friends would like to learn together, please contact me and we can set something up. Semi-private sessions are $40/session)
“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.”
- Thich Nhat Hanh, Stepping into Freedom:
Rules of Monastic Practice for Novices